"A young Keeper of the Moon, whom claims knowledge beyond her years. Pay no mind to her ramblings, she is a stout warrior, and a brilliant Chef."
- Adventurer's Guild Dossier.

○ Species: Miqote
○ Gender: Female
○ Height: 4'10"
○ Weight: 97lbs
○ Sexuality: Bisexual
○ Birthplace: Rihdan Island
○ Mother Tongue: Rihdan Juela (Literal meaning; Hunter Tongue)
○ Age: 34 (apparent age late teens)
○ Occupation: Fang Commander of Dragon Army / Reserve Sekiseigumi of Kugane
○ Martial Focus: Blades and Firearms
○ Magical Focus: None. (Incapable of casting spells)
○ Spouse: Philnia Jalloh
○ Children: Merida Jalloh, Ayaka Jalloh, Teia Jalloh, Amano Jalloh, Aza Jalloh, Amaka Jalloh, Tila Jalloh, Tami Jalloh, Yato Jalloh, Lia Jalloh, Luna Jalloh, Lara Jalloh, Kara Jalloh, Yumi Jalloh, Shin Jalloh, Fina Jalloh, Tahla Jalloh, Qina Jalloh
Identifying Features
○ Her Aetheric Signature is focussed almost entirely within the area of her heart. It carries a taint of the Void.
○ She Speaks with a mixed Lominsan and Gridanian Accent, picked up as she learned to speak Hyuran Common Tongue.
○ A scar once marked a band around her left thigh, but now it has been masked with a garter tattoo revering the goddess Menphina.
○ Her nipples sport mythril barbell piercings.
○ At the base of her neck is a runed marking, she claims not to have had it prior to the day of the calamity.

Likes and Dislikes
✅ Foods: Sweet foods, Hingan cuisine, Meat.
✅ Drinks: Mead, Doman Tea, Sweet fruit juices.
✅ Scents: Cooking, Fresh Clothing, Familiar scents.
✅ Colours: Reds, Blues, Purples.
✅ Gifts: Weapons, desserts, flowers
✅ Other: The thrill of battle, Dirty stories, Sex, Trading recipes, Making friends.

❌ Foods: Bitter fruits, Coffee, Mushrooms.
❌ Drinks: Coffee, Unsweetened tea.
❌ Scents: Strong body odor, refuse, Coffee
❌ Colours: Bright Pastelles, yellow.
❌ Gifts: Heavy armor, heavy clothing, Coffee
❌ Other: Slavery of any kind, Restrictive clothing, wasting time, the Garlean Empire, being tickled.

Born on Rihdan Isle in the Indigo Deep, to a reclusive village of Miqo'te of primarily Seekers of the sun. Tessa was always something of an outcast. Her Keeper of the moon blood showing quite boldly in her fair skin and dark hair.
Never having met her father, and her birth mother having died when she was very young. She was raised in the care of her half sister's household, with traditions rather different to that of keepers of the moon, or seekers of the sun.
The village gave worship to Menphina, and wore white body paints upon themselves, eschewing clothing except when necessary for protection during hunting, or to shield from rare snowstorms. They fiercely hid away from sailors whom would occasionally make landfall to weather storms between Tural and Eozea, where they would gather fruits and other supplies from the jungles.Tessa herself was not a sociable youth, preferring solitude over rambunctious play with others, finding companionship in only her half sister, to which she shared a name-day and a kinship. Together they would watch from the trees whenever visitors found themselves upon their island, and would make up stories about the adventures of these gruff pirates or well dressed merchants they observed.At the age of 16, Tessa left her island aboard one of the visiting ships after her people had aided in repairing the damaged vessel following a particularly rough storm. After a troubling voyage, she found herself at vesper bay. A small carriage ride later, Tessa stepped into the city of Ul'dah, where she began her life as an adventurer.

She joined the Immortal Flames, fought in myriad battles grand and small, rose through the ranks, and eventually partook in essential operations to support the Warriors of Light and their struggle at Cartenau.On that fateful day, she gave her life battling the voidal beast Atomos at camp Blue Fog, attempting to keep the Aetheryte from being drained, and keeping essential travel for adventurers and soldiers open.That would not be the end of her tale however. Spirited away by the beast into the realm of The Void itself, Tessa was reborn thanks to the intervention of the mother crystal Hydaelyn and the once lost soul of an Allagan resistance fighter of ages past. Merged in spirit, she was able to find the strength to escape The Void, arriving some five years later in the Twelveswood.
Bereft of memories that she would not recover fully until several years later, language, and holding barely a shred of sanity. She was found, and taken into the custody of the Yellow Serpents unit of the Order of the Twin Adder. Whom though keeping a watchful eye upon her, helped her back to health.She took the name of Tessa Jalloh, a name not truly hers any longer, and began a new life within Gridania. Many years and battles later, she took up the katana; Training at first on her own, then with the aid of Meta Xi of the free company Dragon Army to which she belonged, and further still as she travelled to Hingashi. To seek the tutelage of eastern Samurai.Now Tessa serves as a commander of the Fang Battalion of Dragon Army Free company, a job she still is having some difficulty adapting to, leading adventurers is very different from military life. However, it perfectly suits her, fighting alongside trusted friends, rather than strictly disciplined soldiers.

Glossary of Terms
The Rihdani Culture
○ Rihdan Island:
Literally translating to Hunter, Rihdan Island was named by the Foreign sailors that took refuge on her shores during trips between Eorzea and Tural, a rare occasion as the island itself was never formally added to any maps beyond being noted amongst many others in the general area. This was more to inform ship captains of an obstacle, than of a place to visit in their voyage. The name itself came from the people of the island, the Rihdan.
A Jungle clime, stretching from shore to shore of the small island with tall palm trees and oldwoods creating a light blackening canvas, Rihdan is home to not only the Rihdani people, but also to many Avian beasts and hardy skinned predators, all of which share a single water source at the centre of the island, a lake of fresh water filled from an underground source.○ Rihdan:
A collective tribe of Miqo'te of both Seeker of the Sun and Keeper of the moon survivors of the Calamity of Water that saw the world flooded, that had grown into a people all it's own over the eras. They do not speak the common tongue of the Hyur, completely isolated as they are, and instead speak Rihdan Juela, or 'Hunter Tongue'.
Due to their island being uncharted, and lacking in high values ores or crystals, the only visitors they recieve are those that stumble upon the island during storms, and berth there for safety. This had lead to little and less being known of the people and their customs.○ Suuh Haldyn:
The Sap collected from the oldwoods of Rihdan, it is especially rich in aether, and is used by the Rihdani to create the distinctive body paints that are the only thing that they adorn their bodies with. The patterns are supposedly dirived from visions granted to the one it will be adorned by, after drinking the sap, and gazing into a Suuh Aoa, or 'Moon Eye'.○ Suuh Aoa:
The 'moon eye'. A large stone bowl filled with the sap of Rihdani oldwoods that is kept as a Centrepoint in the Rihdan Village. The Village elder oversees rituals involving gazing into the sap when the moon is full, allowing it's light to break through the treeline and reflect upon the gazer.
Guests from beyond Rihdan have been allowed to observe, but never participate, leaving the true nature of these rituals a mystery.
Spoils of Adventure
○ Silver Mist:
A katana that is lighter than expected to wield in hand. Its blade is thin and long, with a hamon that seems to resemble waves of shimmering fog. Eerily enough, despite the weapons almost ornamental design, it shows no chips, nicks, or signs of repair despite being a blade of some history.
Tessa came to possess this unusual weapon during a foray to the east, on a contract with Dragon Army.○ Honoji's Sheath:
The sheath is finely crafted, a red lacquer with extensive decoration of gold and silver set in a pattern mimicking roaring flames across the whole saya. When the wielder draws their weapon from the sheath, the blade will appear with an immaculate polish and is imbued with the properties of Fire elemental aether.
Tessa was awarded this priceless artifact for her part in solving a mysterious death in Ishgard along with her fellows in Dragon Army.

○ Former soldier:
Tessa once served within the Immortal Flames before the Calamity, and The Order of the Twin Adder afterward. She still holds some connections within both forces.○ Touched by the void:
The calamity affected many lives in the five years of recovery. Tessa spent that time trapped within the Void. It's corrupting aether still lingers within her, giving her an ability to sense voidal creatures.○ Professional Chef:
Perhaps her first love, Upon her return from the void, Tessa was rehabilitated through learning to cook, what started as therapeutic, became a proud passion that she still pursues whenever able.○ Memories of Allag:
Thanks to her joined soul; Tessa is gifted, or plagued, by memories of Allag. Specifically of the life and experiences of a resistance fighter opposing the resurrected Emperor Xande. Wether her knowledge comes off as fanciful insanity, or valuable wisdom is often tested by the person she chooses to confide in.○ A Shared Face:
Between leaving home, and arriving in Eorzea, Tessa’s ship was attacked by Garlean agents sent to take captives for experimentation. Tessa was one of the successes in replicating Allagan cloning and replaced the original as a sleeper agent. The 7th Calamity, her joining of souls, and the state of Garlemald in recent days put an end to any plans for her. But there were 7 other clones, their fates are unknown.○ Heart of Crystal:
Tessa’s body is but a shell, and whilst not indestructible, she can heal from injuries that would be crippling for others. This miraculous endurance is due to her nature as a clone, her heart replaced by a soul crystal, acting as the core of her being.○ Lost Heritage:
Tessa's progenitor, the original Tessa Jalloh, was born to Rihdan Isle in the Indigo Deep. And though it's location is a mystery to her, she hopes to one day visit the birthplace seared into her memories, and seeks it's location from whatever knowledge she can find.

○ Devout of Menphina:
Tessa offers her prayer to the goddess of love, Menphina. And whilst physical love is only part of the grace of her goddess, it is one she shares with others quite willingly, for both personal pleasure, and in honor of her faith.○ Easily aroused:
It takes surprisingly little to get Tessa in the mood. What happens from there needs no explanation.○ Curious and open:
Tessa has a habit of going with the flow, and is happy to try most things at least once. Every experience is an adventure.○ Heavy sleeper:
Once sleeping, Tessa will likely not be waking up until she's gotten her fill. You could do anything to her, and she'll stay fast asleep.
Family Connections

Miya Sha
No truer friend could one have wanted, Miya may not have been family in the strictest sense, but she was an ally on the battlefield, and a confidant through many years. The two were members of several free companies together.She is missed every day. Rest well in the light of the crystal.

Lillith Cale
Though she'd take offense at the suggestion, Tessa considers Lillith to be a motherly figure to her. Or at the very least that of an older sister.
Leader of Dragon Army free company, Lillith took Tessa into her employ with nary a question asked of her history or the strange nature of her fanciful tales.
She is someone Tessa can and has confided in about many of her struggles, doubts, fears, and hopes. And each and every one of Tessa and Philnia's children adore her as 'Auntie Lillith'.

Meta Xi
An Enigma, wrapped in a question, obscured in a riddle. Tessa still doesn't truly know what to think of Meta but respects him as a swordsman, as a friend, and as a teacher.
His instruction was vital for shaping her into the samurai she is, whether he knows it or not.

Philnia Jalloh
Tessa's Beloved Wife, fiery haired and greedy for Tessa's attention, she won her heart through that most ancient of techniques. Absolute stubbornness.
A former samurai from a prominent family. Philnia moved west due to betrayal, she has only recently picked up the blade again due to Tessa's influence. She is a fearsome sight both on the battlefield, and at home as mother to a large family rambunctious miqo'te children.

Amneko Jalloh
Born to a seeker of the sun tribe, Amneko fled the expectation that she would simply become the wife of the tribe's Nunh, and in her self imposed exile adopted the name R'ryokone ango. Though she found a new family in the Dragon Army free company, it wasn't until Tessa and Philnia made her a sworn sister that she chose to truly embrace her birth name, now proudly going by Amneko, sister of Clan Jalloh.
○ Merida Jalloh
Eldest Daughter of Tessa and Philnia, Merida has known a peaceful life thanks to her home being in Shirogane, far from the conflicts of Eorzea, and ignorant to the world spanning dangers routinely resolved by the legendary Warrior of Light. She takes after Tessa in her passion for the culinary arts, very much planning to be a famous pastry chef when she grows up.○ Ayaka and Teia Jalloh
Twin sisters Ayaka and Teia Jalloh are the second born daughters of Tess and Philnia, both claiming to be the elder. Ayaka took a keen interest in the arcane arts, naturally gifted in mathematics, she has become quite the book worm, and already has managed to summon a carbuncle. Teia, however, has taken up the Katana, and very much wants to follow in Tessa's footsteps to become a samurai. Pestering her to ask Meta Xi to train her in swordsmanship.○ Amano Jalloh
Eldest son of Tessa and Philnia, Amano is a quiet boy, outwardly showing annoyance with his sisters instinct to protect him, wanting to become a strong and proud monk so that when he is grown, he can defend them instead. Though it is obvious to others he is quite fond of his sisters antics, and wouldn't trade his lot for anything.○ Aza Jalloh
Daughter of Tessa and Philnia, Aza has yet to show any strong affinity to anything, but Tessa is certain that those tiny hands will find a way to bring the entire world together one day.○ Amaka Jalloh
Daughter of Tessa and Philnia, curious of everything, she is at her most peaceful when listening to the various birds that come to perch in Shirogane's trees. Driven by their lovely songs, she discovered a love of dance, one that will no doubt be nurtured in Radz-at-han in the future.○ Tila Jalloh
Daughter of Tessa and Philnia, showing Philnia's seeker of the sun blood more boldly than Tessa's keeper of the moon, she stands out amongst her sisters, but is incredibly outgoing and curious of the world.○ Tami Jalloh
Daughter of Tessa and Philnia, Tami, like Tila, takes more after one parent than the other, looking almost like a younger doppleganger of Tessa, she and Tila act as partners in mischief, where one goes, the other is sure to be near.○ Yato Jalloh
Son of Tessa and Philnia, the second son amidst a family of girls, unlike his brother, Yato is more than happy to be pampered by his sisters, and looks up to Amano as the family's self assigned protector.○ Lia, Luna and Lara Jalloh
Identicle Triplets, Lia, Luna and Lara enjoy the confusion that comes from attempting to tell just which of the three someone is speaking to, often pretending to be one another to further their amusement.○ Kara, Yumi and Shin Jalloh
Triplets, two daughters and a son. Kara, Yumi and Shin are a gift granted after a particularly passionate Valentione's date. The three are different in every fashion, with Kara shadowing her elder sister Merida everywhere, and taking a great interest in pastrymaking, Yumi has taken to her namesake, the hingan bow, enamoured with the marksmanship of auntie Lillith and Shin quickly became a voracious reader thanks to his elder sister Ayako, some day he may join the Studium in Sharlayan.○ Fina Jalloh
Daughter of Tessa and Philnia, Fina has a gift for plants, and a keen interest in alchemy, very much marvelling at the potables that are used every day by people the realm over to salve their hurts or improve their innate strengths. Perhaps one day she'll become a renowned alchemist in her own right.○ Tahla Jalloh
Daughter of Tessa and Philnia, Tahla oft speaks with invisible beings. At first this was of concern to Tessa and Philnia, given the very real nature off the supernatural, until it became apparent that the invisible beings she converses with are infact elementals, and the child has a natural affinity for conjury. When the time is right, she will be allowed to join the conjurer's guild, if she so chooses.○ Qina Jalloh
The artist of the family, Qina quickly got into inks and paints and made quite the mess everywhere throughout the house, little pictures on walls, floors, stairs, and on the pages of a number of books. Attempts to stop her would only encourage a new masterpiece within the hour.

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○ Species: Allagan Hyur
○ Gender: Female
○ Height: 5'9"
○ Weight: 115lbs
○ Sexuality: Straight
○ Birthplace: The Eastern Conquered Territories
○ Mother Tongue: Allagan
○ Age: 29 (at time of death)
○ Occupation: Allagan Resistance Fighter
○ Martial Focus: Blades and Firearms
○ Magical Focus: Enhancing Magicks
Lucilla was an allagan resistance fighter during the time of the fall of Allag, during the reign of the resurrected emperor Xande.Her fate was that of most who stood against the emperor, defeated, captured, and sacrificed in a dark ritual to the Cloud of Darkness. Her disparate soul was left adrift in the void and would eventually act as the catalyst for the rebirth of a mortally wounded Tessa following the 7th umbral calamity.It is through her presence within Tessa's soul crystal that Tessa is able to sense the presence of voidsent, and through this connection with the long dead allagan, is able to share in her memories.
Whenever Tessa delves into this part of her soul, her presence is shown via the Miqo'te's left eye turning to a brilliant gold hue. With greater effort, Lucilla herself may be brought forward to 'take the reigns' for a time.
Curt and proper, Lucilla herself seems only concerned with preserving the body that she shares with her counterpart, not entirely pleased with the injuries they have sustained whilst dormant within Tessa's psyche.